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Science Biology Microscopes
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Science Lab Magnetic Stirrers
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Flinn Stem Design Challenge Kits
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P.O. Box 219 Batavia, IL 60510
[email protected]
By Product
Science Instruments
Lab Equipment
Lab Equipment
12-Hole Tube Adapter for DLAB Microplate Mixer
15-Hole Tube Adapter for DLAB Microplate Mixer
3-Way Valve for Vacuum Pump
40-mm Microhematocrit Tubes for the 12-Place ZipCombo Hematocrit Rotor
48-Hole Tube Adapter for DLAB Microplate Mixer
8-Hole, 16-mm Tube Adapter for DLAB Microplate Mixer
8-Hole, 20-mm Tube Adapter for DLAB Microplate Mixer
ABS Premium Filament, Black
ABS Premium Filament, Blue
ABS Premium Filament, Green
ABS Premium Filament, Red
ABS Premium Filament, White
ABS Premium Filament, Yellow
Advanced Lab Equipment Drawer Set
Advanced pH Meter Kit, Benchtop, Orion Lab Star™
Afinia H+1 3D Printer
Air Spectrum Tube
Alcohol Burner, Glass, 125-mL
Alcohol Burner, Glass, 60-mL
Alcohol Burner, Glass, 9-Sided, 120-mL
Alcohol Burner, Wickless
Alcohol Burners, Glass
Anti-Theft Device for Sartorius Balances
Anti-Theft Device Lab Balance
Argon Spectrum Tube
Argon Spectrum Tube
Aspirator, Water, Metal (Chapman Type)
Aspirator, Water, Polypropylene
ATC/pH Replacement Electrode
Attachment Weight Set
Audiovisual Cart
Audiovisual Cart
Audiovisual Carts
Autoclave, Burner Heated, Non-electric, 16.6 L
Autoclave, Burner Heated, Non-electric, 9.0 L
Autoclave, Electric, Portable
Autoclave, Tuttnauer®, 21 L
Balance Draft Shield
Barnstead Mega-Pure Water Still
Barometer, Aneroid
Barometer, Digital
Barometer, Metric
Basket for Pipet Washer
Bathroom Scale
Bell Jar Vacuum Chamber, Plastic, 12" × 12", 18.9 L
Bell Jar with Ground Glass Stopper, Glass, 13 L
Bell Jar with Molded Knob, Glass, 13 L
Bell Jars, Glass
Biology with CBL Starter Kit
Blender, Single-Speed
Blender, Two-speed
Board, Cutting, Polypropylene
Bromine Vapor Spectrum Tube
Buffer Set for pH Meter Calibration
Bunsen Burner, Adjustable, Natural Gas
Bunsen Burner, Bottled (Liquid Propane) Gas
Bunsen Burner, Natural Gas
Bunsen Burner, Natural Gas with Flame Retainer
Bunsen Burners - Chemistry Laboratory
Buret Rack, Flinn
Burner Stove Top Hot Plates
Butane Burner
Buzzer in a Vacuum Kit
Calculator, Basic
Calculator, Scientific, 2-Line
Calculator, Scientific, Large Display
Calibration Weight: 100 gram
Calibration Weight: 200 gram
Calibration Weight: 50 gram
Calibration Weights
Calorimeter Resistor
Calorimeter, Aneroid, Dry
Calorimeter, Economy Choice
Calorimeter, Electric
Calorimeter, Foam
Calorimeters, Small-Scale, Pkg. of 12
Carbon Dioxide Spectrum Tube
Cartridge Wall Bracket Holder
Centrifuge, Digital
Chlorine Gas Spectrum Tube
Compensator Assembly
Comprehensive Biotechnology Laboratory System
Computer Interface Cable IBM-PC, 25-pin
Conductivity Tester
Current Indicator
Demineralizer Standard Cartridge
Demineralizer Ultrapure Cartridge
Demineralizer, Barnstead, Bantam (without cartridge)
Demonstration Bell
Desiccator, Polypropylene, 150 mm
Desiccator, Polypropylene, 197 mm
Desiccator, Scheibler
Desiccators, Polypropylene
Dewar Flask, Large, 10-L
Dewar Flask, Large, 4-L
Dewar Flask, Small, 1000-mL
Dewar Flask, Small, 1900-mL
Dewar Flasks
Dewar Flasks, Small
Disposable Magnetic Stirring Bars, Pkg. of 100
DLAB Classic Magnetic Stirrer, Continuous Use
DLAB Classic Magnetic Stirrer, High Volume
DLAB Classic Magnetic Stirrer/Hot Plate
DLAB Classic Magnetic Stirrers
DLAB Clinical Centrifuge
DLAB Clinical Centrifuge, Economy Choice
DLAB Clinical Centrifuges
DLAB Digital Hot Plate, 380 x 0.1°C
DLAB Digital Hot Plate, 550 x 1°C
DLAB Digital Hot Plate/Magnetic Stirrers
DLAB Digital Hot Plates
DLAB Digital Magnetic Stirrer, Precision Model
DLAB Digital Magnetic Stirrer, Standard Model
DLAB Digital Magnetic Stirrers
DLAB Digital Pro Hot Plate/Magnetic Stirrer, 280 x 1°C
DLAB Digital Pro Hot Plate/Magnetic Stirrer, 340 x 0.1°C
DLAB Digital Pro Hot Plate/Magnetic Stirrer, 380 x 0.1°C
DLAB Digital Pro Hot Plate/Magnetic Stirrer, 550 x 1°C
DLAB Digital Standard Hot Plate/Magnetic Stirrer, 550 x 10°C
DLAB Digital Timer Pro Hot Plate/Magnetic Stirrer, 340 x 0.1°C
DLAB Dry Bath, HB120-S
DLAB Dry Bath, Mini
DLAB Dry Baths
DLAB Microplate Mixer
DLAB Multi-Purpose Clinical Centrifuge
DLAB Orbital Shaker, Digital
DLAB Rotator, Adjustable Angle, Digital
DLAB Rotator, Adjustable Angle, Economy Choice
DLAB Rotator, Digital
DLAB Rotators
DLAB StepMate Stepper Pipet
DLAB™ Digital Rotary Evaporators
dPette™ Adjustable Volume Electronic Micropipets
dPette™ Electronic Pipette, Adjustable Volume, 0.5–10 µL
dPette™ Electronic Pipette, Adjustable Volume, 100–1000 µL
dPette™ Electronic Pipette, Adjustable Volume, 30–300 µL
dPette™ Electronic Pipette, Adjustable Volume, 5–50 µL
Dr Livingston's Anatomy Puzzle
Dr. Livingston's Anatomy Puzzle – Abdomen
Dr. Livingston's Anatomy Puzzle – Head
Dr. Livingston's Anatomy Puzzle – Thorax
Dry Ice Maker
Drying Rack, Plastic, 1 Tier
Drying Rack, Polyethylene, 2 Tier
Drying Rack, Poxygrid®
Drying Rack, Vinyl-Coated
Drying Rack, Wooden
Drying Racks, Polyethylene
dTrite™ Digital Burette, 0.01–99.99 mL
Dual Power Supply
EcoStir™ Magnetic Stirrer
Electrode Rack
Electrode Swing Arm
Electrolyte Solution, Saturated
Electrophoresis Gel Casting Tray, 7 x 14 cm
Electrophoresis Lab Station
Emblaser Pro Laser Cutter-Engraver
End Loop Assembly
Eppendorf® Reference® 2 Micropipet 0.1–2.5 µL, Dark Gray
Eppendorf® Reference® 2 Micropipet, 100–1000 µL, Blue
Eppendorf® Reference® 2 Micropipet, 20–200 µL, Yellow
Eppendorf® Reference® 2 Micropipet, 2–20 µL, Light Gray
Eppendorf® Reference® 2 Micropipet, 30–300 µL, Orange
Eppendorf® Reference® 2 Micropipets
Eudiometer Tube, 100-mL
Eudiometer Tube, 50-mL
Eudiometer Tubes
Ever-Safe Thermometer, -20 to 110 ºC, Partial Immersion
Ever-Safe Thermometer, -20 to 150 ºC, Partial Immersion
Ever-Safe Thermometer, -20 to 150 ºC, Total Immersion
Ever-Safe Total Immersion Thermometers
Ever-Safe® Thermometer, -20 to 110 ºC, Total Immersion
EZ Reader Microhematocrit Card for ZipCombo Microcentrifuge
Faucet, Water Fixture, Mixed (Hot and Cold)
Filament for Afinia 3D Printers
Fixed-Volume Micropipet
FlatSpin™ Compact Magnetic Stirrer, DLAB
Flinn Benchtop Touchscreen pH Meter
Flinn Benchtop Water Distiller
Flinn C-Spectra®, 6" × 12" Sheet
Flinn Centigram Balance
Flinn Conductivity Meter
Flinn Desktop Digital pH Meter
Flinn Digital Pocket Thermometer, Economy Choice
Flinn Digital Thermometer, with Extension Probe
Flinn Economy Electrophoresis Kit
Flinn Emission Spectra Manual
Flinn Goggle Sanitizer Cabinet, Digital, Small
Flinn Goggle Sanitizer Replacement Lamp
Flinn Goggle Sanitizers Cabinet
Flinn Multi-Sample Spectrophotometer
Flinn pH Calibration Kit
Flinn pH Meter
Flinn Scientific Analytical Lab Balance, 100 g
Flinn Scientific Analytical Lab Balance, 220 g
Flinn Scientific Analytical Lab Balances
Flinn Scientific Digital Hot Plate, 4" x 4"
Flinn Scientific Digital Hot Plate, 7" x 7"
Flinn Scientific Digital Hot Plate/Magnetic Stirrer, 4" x 4"
Flinn Scientific Digital Hot Plate/Magnetic Stirrer, 7" x 7"
Flinn Scientific Digital Thermometer - Waterproof
Flinn Scientific Economy Electronic Balances
Flinn Scientific Electronic Balance, 1000 x 0.1-g
Flinn Scientific Electronic Balance, 120 x 0.001-g
Flinn Scientific Electronic Balance, 210 x 0.01-g
Flinn Scientific Electronic Balance, 300 x 0.1-g
Flinn Scientific Electronic Balance, 410 x 0.01-g
Flinn Scientific Electronic Balance, 510 x 0.1-g
Flinn Scientific Electronic Balance, Economy, 1000 g x 1 g
Flinn Scientific Electronic Balance, Economy, 250 g × 0.1 g
Flinn Scientific Electronic Balance, Economy, 2500 g × 1 g
Flinn Scientific Electronic Balance, Economy, 3000 g x 1 g
Flinn Scientific Electronic Digital Balances
Flinn Scientific Hot Plate with Magnetic Chemistry Stirrer
Flinn Scientific Hot Plate, 4" x 4"
Flinn Scientific Hot Plate, 7" x 7"
Flinn Scientific Hot Plate/Magnetic Stirrer, 4" x 4"
Flinn Scientific Hot Plate/Magnetic Stirrer, 7" x 7"
Flinn Scientific Hot Plates
Flinn Scientific Lab Incubator
Flinn Scientific Magnetic Stirrer, 7" x 7"
Flinn Scientific Magnetic Stirrer, Economy Choice
Flinn Scientific Mini Centrifuge
Flinn Scientific Mini Magnetic Stirrer
Flinn Scientific Spectrophotometer
Flinn Scientific Spectrophotometer Laboratory Manual
Flinn Scientific Triple Beam Balance
Flinn Six-Gel Electrophoresis Apparatus
Flinn Ultrasonic Cleaner, 2500 mL
Flinn Ultrasonic Cleaner, 600 mL
Flinn Ultrasonic Cleaners
Furnace, Benchtop
Gas Fixture, Non-removable Hose Connection
Goggle UV Sanitizer Cabinet, Flinn
Hanger, Slotted Weights
Harvard Trip Balance, Double Beam
Harvard Trip Balance, Single Beam
Heating Coil, Immersion-Type
Heating Mantle, 100 mL
Heating Mantle, 250 mL
Heating Mantles
Helium Gas Spectrum Tube
Helium Spectrum Tube
Hematocrit Centrifuge, DM1424, DLAB
High-Speed Micro Centrifuge, D3024
High-Speed Micro Centrifuge, Refrigerated, D1524R
High-Speed Micro Centrifuges, DLAB
High-Speed Mini Centrifuge, D2012 Plus DLAB
Hofmann Electrolysis Apparatus
Hofmann Electrolysis Demonstration Apparatus
Holographic Diffraction Grating Film
Hook Weight Set (9 weights)
Hook Weight Set, Economy Choice
Hot Plate, Digital, Cimarec, 4" X 4"
Hot Plate, Double Stovetop Burner
Hot Plate, Single Stovetop Burner
Hydrion Low Ion pH Test Kit
Hydrogen Gas Spectrum Tube
Hydrogen Spectrum Tube
In-Use Cover for Ohaus Scout® Balances
Incufridge, 28 L
Iodine Vapor Spectrum Tube*
IR Thermometer
Jar for Pipet Washer
Kimble® NMR Tubes, Disposable
Kimble® NMR Tubes, Disposable, 17.8 cm
Kimble® NMR Tubes, Disposable, 20.3 cm
Knob for SE1000 Goggle Sanitizer
Krypton Spectrum Tube
Lab Equipment Drawer Set
Laboratory Cart, Demonstration
Laboratory Cart, Polypropylene, 39" L x 17⅞" W x 33¼" H
Laboratory Cart, Polypropylene, 45¼" L x 25⅞" W x 33¼" H
Laboratory Cart, Stainless Steel, 16¼" W x 27½" x 33⅜"
Laboratory Cart, Stainless Steel, 16¾" W x 27⅝" x 33⅜"
Laboratory Cart, Stainless Steel, 18⅜" W x 30¾" L x 33"
Laboratory Cart, Wood
Laboratory Carts, Polypropylene
Laboratory Ovens
Light Bulb for Conductivity Tester, 15 Watt
MagLab Magnetic Lab Storage Set
MagLab Magnetic Lab Storage Set
MagLab MagPette
Magnetic Stirrer, Mini
Magnetic Stirring Bar Retriever
Magnetic Stirring Bar with Molded-on Pivot Ring, 1" x 5/16"
Magnetic Stirring Bar with Molded-on Pivot Ring, 1" x ⅜"
Magnetic Stirring Bar with Molded-on Pivot Ring, 1½" x 5/16"
Magnetic Stirring Bar with Molded-on Pivot Ring, 1½" x ⅜"
Magnetic Stirring Bar with Molded-on Pivot Ring, 2" x 5/16"
Magnetic Stirring Bar with Molded-on Pivot Ring, 2" x ⅜"
Magnetic Stirring Bar with Molded-on Pivot Ring, Six-Piece Assortment
Magnetic Stirring Bar, 1" x 5/16"
Magnetic Stirring Bar, 1-5/8" x 5/16"
Magnetic Stirring Bar, 2" x 5/16"
Magnetic Stirring Bars
Magnetic Stirring Bars
Meker Burner, Artificial Gas
Meker Burner, Bottled (Liquid Propane) Gas
Meker Burner, Natural Gas
Meker Burners
Melting Point Apparatus
Mercury Vapor Spectrum Tube
Metal-backed Thermometer, Celsius
Metal-backed Thermometer, Celsius/Fahrenheit
Metal-backed Thermometers
Metric Weight Set, 1 g–1000 g
Metric Weight Set, 1 g–500 g
Metric Weight Set, 1 mg–100 g
Metric Weight Set, 1 mg–500 mg
Metric Weight Set, 10 mg–50 g
Metric Weight Sets
Micro Bunsen Burner
Micro Butane Burner
Microcentrifuge, ZipCombo
MicroPette™ Adjustable Volume, Eight-Channel, 5–50 µL
MicroPette™ Plus Adjustable Volume Eight-Channel Pipettes, Autoclavable
MicroPette™ Plus Adjustable Volume Single Channel Pipettes, Autoclavable
MicroPette™ Plus, Autoclavable, Adjustable Volume, 0.1–2.5 µL
MicroPette™ Plus, Autoclavable, Adjustable Volume, 0.5–10 µL
MicroPette™ Plus, Autoclavable, Adjustable Volume, 1000–5000 µL
MicroPette™ Plus, Autoclavable, Adjustable Volume, 100–1000 µL
MicroPette™ Plus, Autoclavable, Adjustable Volume, 10–100 µL
MicroPette™ Plus, Autoclavable, Adjustable Volume, 200–1000 µL
MicroPette™ Plus, Autoclavable, Adjustable Volume, 20–200 µL
MicroPette™ Plus, Autoclavable, Adjustable Volume, 2–20 µL
MicroPette™ Plus, Autoclavable, Adjustable Volume, 50–200 µL
MicroPette™ Plus, Autoclavable, Adjustable Volume, 5–50 µL
MicroPette™ Plus, Autoclavable, Adjustable Volume, Eight-Channel, 0.5–10 µL
MicroPette™ Plus, Autoclavable, Adjustable Volume, Eight-Channel, 50–300 µL
MicroPette™ Plus, Autoclavable, Adjustable Volume, Eight-Channel, 5–50 µL
MicroPette™ Plus, Autoclavable, Fixed Volume, 250 µL
Micropipet Tips
Micropipet Tips, Bagged, 1000 per Bag, Nonsterile, 0.1–20 μL
Micropipet Tips, Boxed, Nonsterile, 5000 µL
Micropipet Tips, Nonsterile, 0.5–10 µL
Micropipet Tips, Nonsterile, 10–200 µL
Micropipet Tips, Nonsterile, 200–1000 µL
Micropipet Tips, Racked, Sterile, 0.5–200 µL
Micropipet Tips, Racked, Sterile, 100–1000 µL
Micropipet Tips, Racked, Sterile, 5000 µL
Micropipet, Fixed-Volume, 10 µL
Micropipet, Fixed-Volume, 25 µL
Micropipet, Variable-Volume, 0.5–10 µL
Micropipet, Variable-Volume, 100–1000 µL
Micropipet, Variable-Volume, 10–100 µL
Micropipet, Variable-Volume, 20–200 µL
Micropipet, Variable-Volume, 2–20 µL
Mini Power Supply
Multi-Channel Magnetic Stirrer, 10-Channel, MS-M-S10, DLAB
Neon Gas Spectrum Tube
Neon Spectrum Tube
Nitrogen Gas Spectrum Tube
Nitrogen Spectrum Tube
NMR Tube Cleaner, Morris, 5-7 mm
NMR Tube Cleaner, Wong, Multiple
NMR Tube Cleaners
Ohaus Adventurer Precision Balance, AX2202/E, 2200 g x 0.01 g
Ohaus Adventurer Precision Balance, AX422/E, 420 g x 0.01 g
Ohaus Adventurer Precision Balance, AX622, 620 g x 0.01 g
Ohaus Adventurer Precision Balance, AX822/E, 820 g x 0.01 g
Ohaus Adventurer Precision Balances
Ohaus Adventurer® Analytical Balance, 120 g x 0.0001 g
Ohaus Adventurer® Analytical Balance, 220 g x 0.0001 g
Ohaus Compass CR Electronic Balances
Ohaus Compass CX Electronic Balances
Ohaus Compass Electronic Balance, CR2200, 2200 x 1 g
Ohaus Compass Electronic Balance, CR221, 220 x 0.1 g
Ohaus Compass Electronic Balance, CR5200, 5200 x 1 g
Ohaus Compass Electronic Balance, CR621, 620 x 0.1 g
Ohaus Compass Electronic Balance, CX1201, 1200 x 0.1 g
Ohaus Compass Electronic Balance, CX2200, 2200 x 1 g
Ohaus Compass Electronic Balance, CX221, 220 x 0.1 g
Ohaus Compass Electronic Balance, CX5200, 5200 x 1 g
Ohaus Compass Electronic Balance, CX621, 620 x 0.1 g
Ohaus Dial-O-Gram® Balance
Ohaus Elementary Two-Pan Balance with Weight Set
Ohaus Harvard Trip Balances
Ohaus Low Form Dial-O-Gram® Balance
Ohaus Navigator Electronic Balance, 2200 g x 0.1 g, NV2201
Ohaus Navigator Electronic Balance, 220g x 0.01g, NV222
Ohaus Navigator Electronic Balance, 220g x 0.1g, NV221
Ohaus Navigator Electronic Balance, 620g x 0.1g, NV621
Ohaus Navigator Electronic Balances
Ohaus Pioneer® Analytical Balance, 82 g x 0.0001 g
Ohaus Pioneer® Analytical Balances
Ohaus Pioneer® Precision Balance, 160 g x 0.001 g
Ohaus Pioneer® Precision Balance, 1600 g x 0.01 g
Ohaus Pioneer® Precision Balances
Ohaus Pioneer™ Analytical Balance, 220 g x 0.0001 g
Ohaus Pioneer™ Balance, 320 g x 0.001 g
Ohaus Pocket Series Electronic Balance, PS121, 120 g x 0.1 g
Ohaus Pocket Series Electronic Balance, PS251, 250 g x 0.1 g
Ohaus Pocket Series Electronic Balances
Ohaus Scout® Electronic Balances
Ohaus Scout® SKX Electronic Balance, 220 g x 0.01 g
Ohaus Scout® SKX Electronic Balance, 420 g x 0.01 g
Ohaus Scout® SKX Electronic Balance, 420 g x 0.1 g
Ohaus Scout® SKX Electronic Balance, 620 g x 0.1 g
Ohaus Scout® SPX Electronic Balance, 2200 g x 0.1 g
Ohaus Scout® SPX Electronic Balance, 620 g x 0.1 g
Ohaus Scout® SPX Electronic Balance, 6200 g x 0.1 g
Ohaus Scout® SPX Electronic Balance, 8200 g x 1.0 g
Ohaus Triple Beam Balance
Ohaus® Adventurer Analytical Balances
Organic Removal Cartridge
Oven Thermometer
Oven Thermometer with Probe
Oven, Laboratory, 0.7 Cubic Feet
Oven, Laboratory, 2.0 Cubic Feet
Oxygen Gas Spectrum Tube
Oyster pH Meter Kit
Palm Micro Centrifuge, D1008, DLAB
PCR Strip Rotor for ZipCombo Microcentrifuge
PCR Thermo Cycler, TC1000-S
Pedestal (Turret) Base
Petri Dish Holder
pH and Conductivity Meter, Benchtop
pH Combination Electrode Replacement
Pipet Helper
Pipet Helper Filter (for AP8741 purchased after 2014)
Pipet Support Rack
Pipet Support Stand
Pipet Washer
Pipette Stand, Linear
Pipette Stand, Round
Pipette Stands
PLA Specialty Filament, Aluminum
PLA Specialty Filament, Copper
Plate, Vacuum, Nickel Plated
Platform Scale
Polyethylene Cap for NMR Tubes
Portable Laboratory Burner
Portable pH Meter Kit
Power Supply
Power Supply, Dual Output, Low Voltage, DC
Power Supply, High Voltage, AC/DC
Power Supply, Low Voltage, DC
Power Supply, Multiple Voltage Battery Eliminator
Project Star Student Spectrometer
PTFE-Coated, Spirit-Filled Thermometer, –10 to 110 ºC, Partial Immersion
PTFE-Coated, Spirit-Filled Thermometer, –10 to 110 ºC, Total Immersion
PTFE-Coated, Spirit-Filled Thermometer, –10 to 150 ºC, Partial Immersion
PTFE-Coated, Spirit-Filled Thermometer, –10 to 150 ºC, Total Immersion
PTFE-Coated, Spirit-Filled Thermometers
Pull Type Spring Scales
Pump Oil, Quart
Pump, Vacuum, Hand-Operated, Nalgene®
Pump, Vacuum, Single-Stage
Pump, Vacuum, Two-Stage
Push/Pull Spring Scale, 1 kg
Push/Pull Spring Scale, 2 kg
Push/Pull Spring Scale, 250 g
Push/Pull Spring Scale, 500 g
Push/Pull Type Spring Scales
QWS4 Water Still
QWS4 Water Still, 120 V
QWS4 Water Still, 220/240 V
Reaction Block for 100-mL Flask
Reaction Block for 250-mL Flask
Reaction Block for 500-mL Flask
Reaction Blocks for Flasks
Refrigerator, Explosion-Proof
Replacement AC Adapter for Flinn Scientific Balances
Replacement AC Adapter for Ohaus Scout Pro SPX Balances
Replacement Ceramic Top for Flinn Hot Plates and Stirrers, 4" × 4"
Replacement Ceramic Top for Flinn Hot Plates and Stirrers, 7" × 7"
Replacement Ceramic Tops for Flinn Hot Plates and Magnetic Stirrers
Replacement Charcoal Packet for Flinn Benchtop Water Distiller
Replacement Cimarec™ Top, 4" x 4"
Replacement Draft Shield
Replacement Electrode for Flinn pH Meter (purchased 2019 or later)
Replacement Electrodes for AP5439, Pkg. of 2
Replacement Glass Assembly for AP5439
Replacement Hook Weight, 10 g
Replacement Hook Weight, 100 g
Replacement Hook Weight, 1000 g
Replacement Hook Weight, 20 g
Replacement Hook Weight, 200 g
Replacement Hook Weight, 50 g
Replacement Hook Weight, 500 g
Replacement Hook Weights
Replacement Key for Goggle Sanitizer Cabinet, Package of 2
Replacement Metric Weight, 10 g
Replacement Metric Weight, 100 g
Replacement Metric Weight, 20 g
Replacement Metric Weight, 50 g
Replacement Metric Weight, 500 g
Replacement Metric Weights
Replacement Slotted Weight, 1 g
Replacement Slotted Weight, 10 g
Replacement Slotted Weight, 100 g
Replacement Slotted Weight, 2 g
Replacement Slotted Weight, 20 g
Replacement Slotted Weight, 5 g
Replacement Slotted Weight, 50 g
Replacement Slotted Weights
Rotary Evaporator Seal
Rotary Evaporator, Diagonal, RE100-Pro
Rotary Evaporator, Vertical, RE100-Pro
RSpec Explorer
SafeVac Vacuum Aspirator, DLAB
Serrated Hose Connection
Shank, Connecting
Slotted Weight Set, 1 g - 500 g
Slotted Weight Set, 10 g - 500 g
Slotted Weight Set, Economy Choice
Slotted Weight Sets
Small Bell Jar with Ground Glass Stopper, Glass, 3.5 L
Small Bell Jar with Molded Knob, Glass, 3.5 L
Spatula Balance
Spectronic 200
Spectrum Set CD-ROM
Spectrum Tube Power Supply
Spectrum Tube System
Spectrum Tube Systems
Spectrum Tubes
SPER Combined Conductivity, Salinity, TDS, Temperature Meter
SPER Environmental Quality Meter with Sound
SPER Indoor Air Quality Meter
SPER Portable ORP Pen
SPER Portable pH Pen
SPER Portable Salinity Pen
SPER Test Tube pH Pen
Spirit-Filled Science Thermometers
Spirit-Filled Thermometer, –20 to 110 ºC, Partial Immersion
Spirit-Filled Thermometer, –20 to 110 ºC, Total Immersion
Spirit-Filled Thermometer, –20 to 150 ºC, Partial Immersion
Spirit-Filled Thermometer, –20 to 150 ºC, Total Immersion
Spring Scale, Demonstration Dial, 20 N × 0.2 N
Spring Scale, Demonstration Dial, 50 N × 2 N
Spring Scale, Pull Type, 100 g x 1 g
Spring Scale, Pull Type, 1000 g x 10 g
Spring Scale, Pull Type, 1000 g/10 N
Spring Scale, Pull Type, 20 N x 0.5 N, 2000 g x 50 g
Spring Scale, Pull Type, 200 g x 2 g
Spring Scale, Pull Type, 2000 g x 20 g
Spring Scale, Pull Type, 2000 g/20 N
Spring Scale, Pull Type, 250 g/2.5 N
Spring Scale, Pull Type, 3000 g/30 N
Spring Scale, Pull Type, 50 N x 1 N, 5000 g x 100 g
Spring Scale, Pull Type, 500 g x 5 g
Spring Scale, Pull Type, 500 g/5 N
Spring Scale, Pull Type, 5000 g/50 N
Spring Scales and Demonstration Dials
Spring Scales, Pull Type
Stainless Steel Carts
Standard Cartridge
Star Spectrum Tube (Hydrogen/Helium Mixture)
StepMate Disposable Syringe, 0.5 mL
StepMate Disposable Syringe, 12.5 mL
StepMate Disposable Syringe, 25 mL
StepMate Disposable Syringe, 5 mL
StepMate Disposable Syringe, 50 mL
StepMate Disposable Syringes
Temperature Controller for Heating Mantles
Temperature Sensor and Support Clamp Set
Temperature Sensor, 100 mm
Temperature Sensor, 230 mm
Temperature Sensor, 230 mm, Glass-Coated
Temperature Sensors for Digital Hot Plates
Test Tube Basket With Lid, 5" x 4" x 4"
Test Tube Basket With Lid, 6" x 6" x 6"
Test Tube Basket Without Lid, 5" x 4" x 4"
Test Tube Basket Without Lid, 6" x 6" x 6"
Test Tube Baskets
Test Tube Rack, Economy Choice- Chemistry
Test Tube Rack, Polypropylene
Test Tube Rack, Polypropylene, Stacking, Holds 13-16 mm Tubes
Test Tube Rack, Polypropylene, Stacking, Holds 16-20 mm Tubes
Test Tube Rack, Polypropylene, Submersible, 13 mm Tubes, 90 Place
Test Tube Rack, Polypropylene, Submersible, 16 mm Tubes, 60 Place
Test Tube Rack, Polypropylene, Submersible, 20 mm Tubes, 40 Place
Test Tube Rack, Polypropylene, Submersible, Round, 16 mm Tubes, 14 Place
Test Tube Rack, Polypropylene, Submersible, Round, 20 mm Tubes, 9 Place
Test Tube Rack, Wood, 12-Tube
Test Tube Rack, Wood, 13-Tube
Test Tube Rack, Wood, 6-Tube, 22 mm Hole Size
Test Tube Rack, Wood, 6-Tube, 25 mm Hole Size
Test Tube Rack, Wood, Double Row, 22 mm Tubes
Test Tube Rack, Wood, Double Row, 26 mm Tubes
Test Tube Rack, Wood, Semi-micro
Test Tube Racks, Polypropylene, Stacking
Test Tube Racks, Polypropylene, Submersible
Test Tube Racks, Polypropylene, Submersible, Round
Test Tube Racks, Wood, 6-Tube
Test Tube Racks, Wood, Double Row
Test Tube Slant Rack
Test Tubes without Rims, Disposable
Test Tubes without Rims, Disposable, 10 x 75 mm, Pkg. of 250
Test Tubes without Rims, Disposable, 12 x 75 mm, Pkg. of 250
Test Tubes without Rims, Disposable, 13 x 100 mm, Pkg. of 250
Test Tubes without Rims, Disposable, 16 x 100 mm, Pkg. of 250
Test Tubes without Rims, Disposable, 16 x 125 mm, Pkg. of 250
Test Tubes without Rims, Disposable, 16 x 150 mm, Pkg. of 250
Test Tubes without Rims, Disposable, 18 x 150, Pkg. of 125
Test Tubes without Rims, Disposable, 20 x 150 mm, Pkg. of 250
Test Tubes without Rims, Disposable, 25 x 150 mm, Pkg. of 250
Test Tubes without Rims, Disposable, 6 x 50 mm, Pkg. of 300
Themocenter TC40 Lab Oven
Thermo Mix Dry Baths
Thermo Mix, HCM100-Pro
Thermo Mix, HM100-Pro
Thermometer Anti-Roll-Off Device, Pkg. of 25
Thermometer Holder, Pkg. of 3
Thermometer Rack
Thermometer Storage Rack
Thermometer, Blank, Spirit-Filled
Thermometer, Classroom, Indoor/Outdoor
Thermometer, Microscale, 0–100º C
TI-83 Graphing Calculator
TI-84 Plus CE Graphing Calculator
TI-84 Plus CE Graphing Calculator, Classroom Package
TI-84 Plus CE Graphing Calculators
TI-Nspire™ Graphing Calculator
Tirrill Burner, Artificial Gas
Tirrill Burner, Bottled (L.P.) Gas
Tirrill Burner, Natural Gas
Tirrill Burners
Titration Equipment Drawer Set
Tube Adapters for DLAB Microplate Mixer
Tubing, Vacuum, 10 Ft.
Ultrapure Cartridge
Universal Top Plate for DLAB Microplate Mixer
UV-Vis Spectrophotometer
Vacuum Chamber with Plate
Vacuum Plate, Polycarbonate
Variable-Volume Micropipets
Vernier Stir Station
Vinyl Dust Cover for Harvard Trip Balances
Vinyl Dust Cover for Triple Beam Balances
Vinyl Dust Covers for Mechanical Balances
Vistalab® Micropipet Tips, 1250 µL
Vistalab® Micropipet Tips, 25 µL
Vistalab® Pipette Tips
Vistalab™ MLA D-Tipper Pipette, 10 µL
Vistalab™ MLA D-Tipper Pipette, 100 µL
Vistalab™ MLA D-Tipper Pipette, 20 µL
Vistalab™ MLA D-Tipper Pipette, 250 µL
Vistalab™ MLA D-Tipper Pipette, 50 µL
Vistalab™ MLA D-Tipper Pipettes
Vistalab™ Ovation® Mechanical Adjust Pipette, 0.2–2 µL
Vistalab™ Ovation® Single Channel Electronic Pipette, 2–125 µL
Vycor Immersion Heater Replacement for AP1048
Water Aspirator- Chemistry Lab
Water Bath, 0.5-L
Water Bath, Scientific Laboratory
Water Hardness Testing Paper
Water Vapor Spectrum Tube
White Light Illuminator
WilMad Labglass® NMR Tube, 100 MHz, 17.8 cm
WilMad Labglass® NMR Tube, 200 MHz, 17.8 cm, Package of 5
WilMad Labglass® NMR Tube, 300 MHz, 17.8 cm
WilMad Labglass® NMR Tube, 300 MHz, 20.3cm
WilMad Labglass® NMR Tube, 400 MHz, 17.8 cm
WilMad Labglass® NMR Tube, 400 MHz, 20.3 cm
WilMad Labglass® NMR Tube, 500 MHz, 17.8 cm
WilMad Labglass® NMR Tube, 500 MHz, 20.3 cm
WilMad Labglass® NMR Tube, 600 MHz, 17.8 cm
WilMad Labglass® NMR Tube, 600 MHz, 20.3 cm
WilMad Labglass® NMR Tube, 700 MHz, 17.8 cm
WilMad Labglass® NMR Tubes
Wire Test Tube Rack, Black Epoxy Coating, 19 mm Tubes, 40 Places
Wire Test Tube Rack, Black Epoxy Coating, 22 mm Tubes, 20 Places
Wire Test Tube Rack, No Coating, 19 mm Tubes, 40 Places
Wire Test Tube Rack, No Coating, 22 mm Tubes, 20 Places
Wire Test Tube Racks
Xenon Spectrum Tube