Acid Rain
Study the causes and effects of acid rain on plants, aquatic animals and the overall environment through the various demonstration and laboratory kits that Flinn Scientific has designed for your classroom.
Study the causes and effects of acid rain on plants, aquatic animals and the overall environment through the various demonstration and laboratory kits that Flinn Scientific has designed for your classroom.
Flinn AP Environmental Science kits give you the support needed to run a successful Advanced Placement Environmental Science course. Kits have been designed with both the student and teacher in mind.
Flinn AP Environmental Science kits give you the support needed to run a successful Advanced Placement Environmental Science course. Kits have been designed with both the student and teacher in mind.
Greenhouse effect and air pollution are some of the areas that Flinn Scientific hands-on air testing kits cover. Teacher notes and guides are provided as well enough materials for your classroom.
The mystery of outer space (astronomy); the sun, moon and stars fascinate many students. Flinn Scientific not only has charts, models and globes as teacher aids, but also student laboratory kits and telescopes to further develop their interests in astronomy.
Flinn Scientific offers books and review materials for earth and environmental science. Topics cover astronomy, geology, field and nature guides, and meteorology.
Earth forces charts, maps, models, books, stream tables, and student laboratory and activity kits covering topics on earthquakes, volcanoes, ocean currents, topography, tectronics, and so much more are available for you to choose from as you plan your next lesson.
Flinn Scientific has the ideal kits for your lessons in ecology. Study water testing or use a sampling square to count organisms in a defined area.
Find the field equipment tools necessary for your lessons in earth and environmental science. Flinn Scientific offers binoculars, compasses, GPS, gauges and hammers. Browse our various categories in equipment.
Easily integrate STEM into your Environmental and Earth Science curriculum. Each lab begins with background information and an activity. Then students are challenged to create or improve upon the product or system. Kits can be purchased individually or in a bundle.
FlinnPREP™ Online Student Prep Courses are supplemental online resources providing students with anytime, anywhere access to interactive content, assessments with just-in-time feedback and full-length practice exams. Includes intuitive teacher dashboard and assessment center.
Geology, not only the study of rocks and minerals but also of fossils. Dig into our different lab activities, examine our rock and mineral specimens, analyze the charts and tools that will explode your students' minds and rock their world.
Not only maps and globes but many assorted student laboratory activities as you explore the wonders of the world.
Study the impact of air and water pollution. What is your carbon footprint and its effect on the earth? Choose from more than twenty student laboratory kits and resources that can be used in your classroom.
Recycling -- a process of taking materials that would be thrown away and turn it into something that can be used again or in a new way. Shop our tools and kits to help you in your next lesson on recycling.
Analyze the soil in your "backyard", test soil for pH, nitrogen, potassium, etc., and use the tools often utilized in soil sampling as your students discover what chemicals are in the ground they walk on.
Incorporate videos and dvds in your science classroom when studying earth and environmental science. Some of the dvd topics are: recycling, minerals, acid rain, the greenhouse effect, etc. Incorporate these easy-to-understand videos in your classroom.
Test the water quality in the water around you -- tapwater, ponds, pools, etc. Show your students how to collect a sample and test its level of pH through traditional methods as well as using a pH meter. Choose from the numerous lab and demonstration kits and water testing supplies.
Barometers, anemometers, thermometers, psychrometers, weather stations, hygrometers -- all tools used to measure the weather. Flinn Scientific offers a range of weather tools, charts and activity kits to teach the next meteorologist in your classroom.