Air Testing
Scan Flinn Scientific resources on air testing. View our demonstration kit before purchasing to see how easy it is to integrate in your lecture on air pollution.
Scan Flinn Scientific resources on air testing. View our demonstration kit before purchasing to see how easy it is to integrate in your lecture on air pollution.
In astronomy when should you use a refractor or reflector telescope? Find the answer to this question but also other reference materials to develop your next lesson on astronomy.
Find chemical demonstrations specifically focused around earth and environmental science to integrate in your next lesson.
Review some of Flinn Scientific products related to earth forces to determine how you can incorporate them as you create you next science lab.
Field equipment tips, maintenance and frequently asked questions are easy for you to locate. Select the correct binocular. Learn how to make your own compass. Explore all the resources that Flinn Scientific has collected.
Probe the history of the earth through these free geology resources. Study the formation of stalactites and stalagmites without ever entering a cave. Review this activity and other geology resources.
Pollution is more than just the contamination of natural resources. Delve into the collection of activities, videos and reference materials that will assist you in broadening your students' knowledge of pollution.
Tired of recycling your recycling curriculum? Rejuvenate your lectures and dive into these resources to integrate your next recycling lesson.
Flinn Scientific has developed student lab activities that you can incorporate into your earth and environmental science curriculum. Activities cover cloud formation, glaciers, stalactites and stalagmites, and building simple equipment used in earth science.
Examine free activities to use in your next water testing lesson. Flinn Scientific developed and organized various resources with the academic classroom in mind.
Learn how to build your own psychrometer and anemometer -- just a few weather activities and reference materials that are free for your use.